400+ First Date Questions: Everything You Need To Ask The First Time You Go Out With Someone (And More)

❤️ Click here: Questions to ask a guy on your second date

She said i made her smile so much her face hurt. She has no intent in sharing anything with you if her references strictly stay in the present tense and she barely inquires about your interests.

Asking him flat out what his sexual interests and preferences are might give him the wrong impression. I'm all down if you want to play Farmville, but don't rope other people into your shameless life. How long did it take you to start enjoying coffee?

Tagged in - What combination of fixings makes your perfect burrito? If you were given the ability to make one new trend and it be instantly popular, what trend would you create?

Here is a great set of questions to ask a guy to get him talking. They are designed to get an interesting conversation started, but still keep it relatively casual. Remember every guy is different, so pick and choose which questions you think will work best for your guy or pick questions that you really want to know the answers to. As a guy, I can vouch for the fact that no matter who the guy is, he will find at least some of these questions interesting. Oh, and before we start, remember to ask lots of follow up questions to find out more and to keep the conversation going. List of questions to ask a guy These first 50 questions have a bit of commentary and are what I consider to be the best of the best questions. But there are so many more questions! There is at the bottom of the page without commentary that are still really good. So without further delay, here are some quality questions to ask a guy! Question 1: What was your best drop the mic moment? This will give your guy a chance to tell you a good story and is a great way to get him talking. It will also let you know what kinds of things he is into and what he considers important. Question 2: If you could learn only one magic spell, but it could only do something mundane and boring, what would the spell do? A fun question that can lead to some really creative answers. Some examples might be: unclog a drain, make toast slightly more brown, unjam a copier, etc. You could further the conversation by trying to think of the incantation that would go with the spell. Question 3: You wake up suddenly in the middle of the night. What would be the scariest sound to hear after waking up? You can talk about amping up scariness of the situation, talk about his other fears, or perhaps try to find fears you have in common. Question 4: What high level job do you think you could lie your way into with no experience and no one would notice? This question has a lot of possible answers, but to really make it fun, talk about how he would be able to stop people finding out he was fraud. Question 5: Who or what is your nemesis? We all have things or people that we absolutely hate. And since everyone loves talking about what annoys them, well, this is a great question to get a conversation going. You can easily move the conversation to a lighter rant about generally annoying things. Question 6: What would be the consequences of a scientific discovery that extended the life span of humans to 500 years? You can discuss how societal norms might change, or how it would affect the progress of technology. There really are a lot of directions you can take this question. Well now is your chance to find out more. You might also try moving the conversation to talking about some small annoying things about being a guy. Question 8: What childish thing do you still enjoy? He might not admit it but he probably still likes peeing in the snow and building sand castles. This question is likely to get you some cute answers. Question 9: What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of? This question is easy to expand upon because you can start talking about favorite movies and TV shows, as well as movies or shows you hate. Question 10: What long shot have you taken that really paid off? Question 11: If you designed and built a tree house, what would it look like and what would be in it? This one is probably my favorite in this list of questions to ask a guy. All guys dream of tree houses that have bridges and rooms and drop down ladders. There is a reason so many men want to build tree houses for their kids. Question 12: What movie do you wish life was more like? Another question that is fun to answer and gets a really unique conversation going. Just remember to talk about the small things that would change as well. Really dive into how everyday life would change if it was more like the movie he choose. Question 13: What is the most interesting piece of trivia you know? He gets to show off some of the things he knows, and you get to learn some new stuff. Question 14: Which celebrity would make the worst leader of a country? What really makes this question fun is imagining what the celebrity would do once they were leader and what kinds of laws they would make. This one is always great for a laugh. To keep the conversation going, keep switching out the celebrity. Question 15: What were you really into when you were younger but now think is silly? Find out what embarrassing things he was into when he was a kid. Great ammo for some good natured teasing later on. Question 16: What is the most useless thing you know how to do? What kind of hidden talents does he have? This is always great because usually he can show you. We all have silly and useless talents, now you can learn about his! Question 17: How many phones have you broken or lost? A seemingly simple question that sometimes can lead to a really long discussion. Either that or he is just super clumsy or forgetful, which is also good to know. I know not everyone is into history. Question 19: You are in charge of making insects a popular food item. You have 1 billion US dollars to achieve your goal. How do you do it? Here is another creative one. You can see how quickly he can think on his feet and how creative he is at solving problems. Question 20: What is the highest pressure situation you have experienced and how did you handle it? Similar to the drop the mic moment question, this one will give him a chance to tell you about a story that is important to him. Memory is a severely flawed thing after all! A fun question to answer, but also very informative. You can find out what types of things stress him out and you can also see how high strung or laid back he is. Question 22: What are you tired of hearing about? Question 23: What three events made the biggest impact on who you are today? One of the best questions you can ask a guy. It will let you know a little bit more about his past, how he views himself, and what he considers important. Question 24: What is something that most people get wrong? We all have doubts. Whether those doubts are about the world at large or ourselves. This one can really lead to a serious conversation but sharing doubts can be an excellent way of creating a strong bond between two people. Question 26: What would you NOT do for 5 million dollars? This is a fun one to answer. And it can tell you a lot about the guy as well. You can find out what morals he considers to be most important and what activities he finds detestable. Everyone likes to think they are experts at lots of things. Just think about how many people will say they are an above average driver. A little self introspection is always a good thing. Question 28: What is society doing now that in 20 years will be laughed at and ridiculed? People will be laughing and ridiculing lots of things that are popular now. Question 29: What double standard is ridiculous and needs to be ended? Lots of double standards to choose from. He probably has a couple. Question 31: Who has completely lost your respect? A great question for seeing what values he thinks are important. Also a great conversation starter as there are more than few celebrities that have fallen from grace. Okay, so I debated whether or not to put this one into the list. But it definitely can lead to some very interesting conversations if either of you are at all interested in politics or history. But if you really like this question you might try our or. Question 33: If you had to choose one cause to dedicate your life to, what would that cause be? We all have causes that we hold dear. Question 34: If you died today, what would your greatest achievement be? A great introspective question that everyone, including you, should ask themselves. Question 35: What have you done to make the world a better place to live in? This one may or may not have the same answer as question 34 and is probably related to question 33. Question 36: Who are some people you only met once but they left a big impression on you? So who has he met that changed his outlook on life? Question 37: What do you think is the most common complaint people in your country have? Basically an open door to a political discussion. Which can be good or bad depending on what you are after. So make sure to use this question with caution! Question 38: What one question can you ask someone to find out the most about them? A question that is great on a lot of levels. It requires some thought to answer but can lead to some great conversations. Question 39: What is your closest close call? This one is mostly to get him to tell a good story. But it can sometimes dig up some emotional memories so use this question with caution. Question 40: What stories from your life will you tell your children about assuming you have children? Question 41: If you could become the number one expert in one niche field, what would it be? Perfect for finding out more about his interests and perhaps even some of his goals. Who knows, you both might share an interest in the same thing or you might have never heard about it. Kind of a random question but it can lead to some really interesting answers. Question 43: What did you think was silly until you tried it? Well now you can find out his green eggs and ham moment. And who knows you might even get to try something new and amazing! Question 44: Who is your favorite author? Question 45: When you are day dreaming, what do you dream about? What goes on in his head when his eyes glaze over? The answers can get a bit serious and dark but I really do think this is a great question. We should always be questioning our beliefs and trying to find truth even if it can be a bit uncomfortable. Question 47: What signs make you think someone will go on to be successful? This seems like a simple and straight forward question, but it actually tells you a lot about what traits he values in other people. And it can also tell you a lot about what he thinks success is. A great question to as a guy. Because as a guy I can tell you we do some incredibly dumb and unusual things in the name of a good time. Question 49: What was the weirdest habit you had as a child? All kids are weird in their own way. He was weird too when he was kid. So now you can find out some embarrassing and probably funny things about his childhood. Question 50: What is the most irritating food? Yeah this one is a little bit of an odd one to go out on. But I like it. What have you done wrong for most of your life and only recently found out the right way to do it? What video game do you wish life was more like? What was the biggest mistake in history? What are some fun euphemisms for everyday activities? If you wanted to give a tourist the local flavor of where you live, what would you have them do? What does friendship mean to you? What would be the worst thing to have a phobia of? Who or what do you always have time for? What do you need to rant about or get off your chest? What could you give a two-hour impromptu lecture on? What can a movie do to make you get up and walk out? What was your favorite cartoon when you were growing up? What are some things people have selflessly done to make your life better? What do you own that a lot of people comment on? Which fictional villain is your favorite? What are some boring games or sports and how can they be livened up? What game do you always lose? What do you like to do that is traditionally considered feminine? What was the last movie that made you cry? What small stuff do you always sweat? If you could add 4 hours to your day, what would you spend that 4 hours doing? What do you think is the most confusing idiom for people learning English? What are some websites you used to use all the time but have stopped using? Who would be the worst celebrity to have dinner with? What small thing makes you angrier than it should? What one thing would you most want to save if your house caught fire? Assuming that any people or animals made it out safely already. What flavor combination is kind of weird but you really like it? What really annoys you when other people do it, but you occasionally do it as well? Where have you traveled? What obscure website do you absolutely love? What random acts of extreme kindness would you like to see? If you were given the ability to make one new trend and it be instantly popular, what trend would you create? When was the last time you remember someone doing or saying something so stupid that you were sure it was a joke? What was the most historic thing you witnessed in person or took part in? What do you know way too much about? If it was decided that all countries would be abolished and the entire earth would be one unified political body, what would be the capital city of Earth? What would its flag and anthem be? What movie really encapsulates the era it was made it? What fictional character is portrayed as a hero but is actually more like a villain? What was a random compliment that someone gave you that really stuck in your memory? If you could go back in time and inspire someone to make a present-day invention, what invention in what time period would advance humanity the most? How about your least favorite? What was the worst thing you ever tasted? If you were a ghost, how would you haunt? What makes you special and unique? What movie quote are you tired of hearing? What two things are you most passionate about? What must be seen or experienced in person to really appreciate it? What common ingredient or spice do you despise? What celebrities are most likely to be jerks? How well can you explain how a car works? If you were an actor, what kind of roles do you think you would be good at? What movie would be better if the plot happened in reverse? What would you like to be the best in the world at doing? What have you done a lot but are still incredibly bad at? What are you too old for but still enjoy? If you could pick up any one instrument and instantly be a virtuoso at it, what instrument would you choose? What was the last major goal you accomplished? What are some problems you realize are first world problems but are annoyed by them anyway? What do you collect? Would you volunteer to go colonize another planet if it meant you would never return to earth? When was the last time a stranger made your day? When was the last time that things got a little too real? If you could add one rule that everyone must follow when they use the internet, what would your rule be? What activity or hobby is so filled with hateful people that it puts you off trying it? Who is the funniest actor or actress still doing movies or TV shows? What news headline would you most like to see? If you could run away from it all and start fresh somewhere new, would you? When was the last time you felt completely out of the loop? What are some small pleasures that make you way happier than they should? What social media post has really stuck with you? If you had to be stuck at one age forever, what age would you choose? What useless bit of information have you memorized and will probably never forget? What quote has always stuck with you? What would be the worst animal to be eaten by? Besides religion and politics, what topic always gets heated in your circle of friends and acquaintances? What looks like it should taste better than it does? If there were an Olympics for average people, what would some of the events be? What would an exact opposite of you be like? Would you travel to a foreign country all by yourself? If States could date, who would be into who and why? What do you imagine the lives of super rich people are like? What genetic modification would you most like to have? Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life? What would be the absolute best pet to have? Do you think your childhood was better or worse than other people growing up in a similar place and time? If you had a disease named after you, what would be the symptoms? What rules do you make for yourself? Well those are all of our questions to ask a guy. These questions are great for casual conversations where you are looking to get a laugh. This is the list for you. Interesting questions that are still relatively casual. Use these questions to find out what makes him the person he is. Choose wisely because some are quite silly. But hey, why not?

36 Great Date Questions
Zip was the last time you cried. Questions over the first drink should be an equal mix of inquisitive and casual, and should allow you to start gauging his or her true personality. What was the last concert you saw. Often a first round of interviews is met by human resources personnel, to screen initial candidates, while second and third round interviews are with your potential colleagues. What one thing would you most want to save if your house caught fire. When was the last time that things got a little too real. He jesus to show off some of the things he knows, and you get to learn some new stuff.